I'm in a painting frenzy! But it seems my body can really only take standing and painting about 5 hours a day lately. And apparently standing to paint makes me really hungry. I took the last photo to paint from for my series for the Show March 1st and will start the last one today. Then all the work will be started. Only 3 paintings are officially complete. I have 2 more that are really close. The remaining 11 are in various states. My biggest concern is also my largest painting. The female response to the dark angel(aka el corazon del hombre...) painting. I've finally got the forms mostly working, but any painting that is 4' x 4' is bound to run in to problems. Like a title. haha
Framing is also a bit of a concern. I have 15 portraits that require frames. I'll need to find a frame I like, which has been a problem, and put hangers on the back. This is also expensive! Even if I were to find an amazing deal, anything times 15 is expensive. I will have to keep that in mind if I keep painting on these panels. I can't just paint the edge and hang them.
I've had a headache since Friday which isn't helping anything. I'm in the studio today but not as effective as I should be. I basically have4 weeks to finish everything. Which sounds like a long time, but it's not. Paint has to dry, some form of vanish applied, framing. I also have other commitments and responsibilities to attend to. Spanish class twice a week until Feb. 11th. I now have a part time job on Wednesdays. I can't neglect my yoga practice, friends, cats, chickens, laundry, dishes, eating, and well you get the picture. :)
Ok, back at it! Here's a sneak peak.
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